参与安排的活动和事件, 提升, and administered by the Department of 体能及康乐 will prove to be beneficial to everyone on campus. 所有的学生, 教员, 工作人员 are invited to take part in any of the programs offered. 希望通过这次参与, 每个人都会培养领导才能, 合作, 自力更生, 还有一种公平竞争的感觉, 同时也会形成长久的友谊.
The Department of 体能及康乐 strives to meet the many needs of 学生, 教员, 工作人员. 它的组织是为了服务大学社区,并提供最大限度地利用娱乐和健身设施. 希望每个人都能充分利用学校提供的课程和活动以及现有的设施. 该部门愿意接受任何意见, 建议, or recommendations that will improve the quality of programming for the members of the college community.
体育健身和娱乐系的主要目的是为学院的学生提供最佳的娱乐和健身机会, 教员, 工作人员. 部门的目标是:
- To provide a safe, competitive, and comprehensive 校内的运动 program.
- To provide a variety of fitness programs and a safe and positive workout environment.
- 提供安全及具挑战性的户外康乐活动机会.
The Department of 体能及康乐 includes the following features:
拉里·D. 小斯卓普林. 身体健康 & 娱乐中心
The Department of 体能及康乐 is housed in the Larry D. 小斯卓普林. 体能及康乐 Center, commonly referred to as the Striplin Center. The Department is responsible for the operation and scheduling for the Striplin Center. 体育健身和娱乐主任负责该部门的行政管理以及斯普林中心的监督和运营. The Director is assisted by the department’s Administrative Assistant and the Facility Supervisors.
斯特普林中心是校园娱乐的主要设施, 校内体育项目, 以及各种健身活动. 该设施包括:
- 两个篮球场/排球场
- 力量训练和心血管健身室
- 室内慢跑跑道
- 有氧/武术工作室
- 室内游泳池
- 壁球法院
- 高尔夫模拟器
- 娱乐室
- 男女更衣室
Striplin中心政策 & 程序
The Striplin Center is available to all Birmingham-南部 College 学生, 教职员工(及其直系亲属), 职员(及其直系亲属), 校友(及其直系亲属). Adjunct 教员 and part-time staff members are also included. 除了, 学生, 教员, 工作人员 are allowed to bring one guest with them to the facility. 和家庭成员一样, anyone bringing a guest to the facility must remain with them while utilizing the facility. 澳门新葡京官网 校友, auxiliary staff members (United Methodist headquarters, food services, 等.), and Consoli日期d Pipe employees may use the facility, but do not have family or guest privileges. 也, members of the College Hills Neighborhood Association and their immediate family may use the facility, provided the CHNA membership card is current for that year and has the correct color stripe at the bottom.
每个在校生, 教员, and staff member may utilize the facility during the posted hours of operation. 出于安全和责任考虑, no one will be allowed to utilize any aspect of the facility during non-scheduled hours, unless details are presented and prior permission is obtained from the Director.
A current 澳门新葡京官网 ID will be required of everyone who enters the Striplin Center. 如果有任何设备被检查, the ID card will remain with the Facility Supervisor until the equipment is returned in good condition. 任何退房物品如有损坏或破损,按比例更换的费用将由退房人员承担.
预定的活动(健身/健康计划), 校内的运动, 大学体育训练, 学术课程, 等.)将优先于自由时间使用Striplin中心. 可以预订该设施的所有区域, 但是,所需区域的可用性可能有限. Reservations may be requested by calling the Facility Supervisor at 226-4937.
出于安全和责任考虑, no one under the age of 18 years old will be allowed in the Striplin Center unless accompanied by a current 澳门新葡京官网 student, 教员, 或者工作人员.
除非有许可证,否则任何人不得进入泳池区域, 部门认可的救生员值班. The pool hours of operation will be posted at the start of each term.
All food and drink will be confined to the lobby area on the 1st floor and the vending area on the 2nd floor. 在铺有地毯的区域以及力量和心血管健身室和健身房区域,水是唯一允许的饮料.
Alcohol and tobacco products are not allowed in the facility at any time.
溜冰鞋, 滑板, 旱冰鞋, 摩托车, or bikes will not be allowed to be worn or ridden in the facility at any time.
主任是校园的“建筑协调员”,负责设备的维护和设施的各个方面的维护. 总监还拥有最终的权利来预订该设施,并与设施和活动办公室一起工作.
There are inherent risks involved in all recreational sports activities. 参加澳门新葡京官网校内体育项目完全是自愿的,并且了解无论采取何种预防措施,都可能发生一些伤害. 我们将尽一切努力确保所使用的运动场地和设备对运动/活动的进行是安全的. 考虑到这一点,参加该计划要求每个人在每个运动赛季开始时在校内运动名册/弃权表上签名. 在这张表格上签字, the individual is acknowledging the possibility of injury and will take all needed precautions.
伯明翰南方学院的学生目前至少在一个班级注册,有资格参加校内体育项目, 除非另有规定. 所有澳门新葡京官网教职员工(全职和兼职)和工作人员(全职和兼职)也有资格参加,并鼓励他们在时间表允许的情况下参加. 操作, 场地和餐饮服务的工作人员也有资格参加IM体育项目,任何感兴趣的配偶也有资格参加. 校友,朋友和家属没有资格参加. 所有教职员工都必须参加教职员工队. 如果没有教职工队伍参加某项运动, 然后教职员工可以参加非希腊学生队. Students may play on the faculty/staff team only if there is no other option available to them (e.g. 没有非希腊学生队参加一项运动.).
参加校际运动的学生(在澳门新葡京官网或任何先前的机构)或在赛季中被列入花名册, 在一个学年开始后才有资格参加校内运动(或类似的). This includes anyone on a varsity athletic roster at the time of the first regular-season intercollegiate contest.
All Greek organizations must field teams made up of their membership and any social affiliates that they may have. 独立学生不得为任何联谊会组织演奏.
个人在每项个人混合泳项目中只能参加一个队. The only exception to this rule is if there is a co-ed league offered in the sport, then a student may play in both the co-ed league and one of the other leagues formed.
一旦赛季开始,个人可能不会改变花名册. Additions may be made to rosters up until the time the playoffs start.
Individuals who are ineligible for participation in the 校内的运动 program, 仍然参与, 会被停职, and their team will forfeit all games that the ineligible person played in.
Individuals and teams are subject to any and/or all of the following for violation of eligibility rules:
The Director of the 体能及康乐 Department will have the final decision on all eligibility rulings.
目前的澳门新葡京官网校队运动员在没有得到他/她所参加的总教练的明确同意的情况下,不允许参加校内运动. 未经总教练同意允许大学代表队运动员参加比赛的球队将丧失该大学代表队运动员参加过的所有比赛.
The 体能及康乐 Department does not assume responsibility for the eligibility of any participant, 但将调查任何被抗议的案件.
All rosters must be filled out completely and submitted no later than 12:00 p.m. 在分录结束之日. Late rosters will not be accepted unless prior arrangements are made.
All participants must be on the roster before participation in a game/match.
花名册 that are not filled out completely or correctly will not be accepted.
The Captain must submit the team entry and roster/waiver in the desired sport on or before the announced deadline. 花名册/弃权书必须包含 签名 每个参与者.
船长一定知道, 并指出, all regular and special 日期s that the team is unavailable to play on the roster/waiver.
The Captain is responsible for notifying all teammates regarding place, 日期, 还有所有比赛的时间, 并在需要时提供记分员和/或官员.
船长必须熟悉资格, 游戏规则, 并确保他/她的团队也意识到这一点.
船长必须以身作则. 因为队长对体育和领导力很感兴趣, he or she should participate in a sportsmanlike manner and encourage teammates to do likewise.
队长对球队的行为负责, 台地区, 以及观众的行为.
The development of a sportsman-like attitude is a primary goal of 校内体育项目. 所有参加校内体育项目的个人和组织都应遵守这一精神, 还有那封信, 遵守规则. 因此,任何形式的违反体育道德的行为都是不能容忍的.
任何个人或队伍被驱逐出比赛/比赛,在他们与体能主任会面之前,将不允许返回进一步的比赛 & 娱乐.
Taunting, shoving, or striking an opponent, official, 或者工作人员
If a game/match must be stopped due to the unsportsmanlike conduct of one team, the contest will be recorded as a forfeit for that team and a win for the opposing team. If a game must be stopped due to the unsportsmanlike conduct of both teams, 比赛将被记录为两队的弃权.
- 康体及康乐及康乐事务署署长将对所有停课及缓刑作出最终裁定.
Protest involving the interpretation of rules must be made prior to the next pitch, 并列争球玩, or inbounds play and will be settled by the officials and team captains. A time-out may be given back to a team if it is determined that their interpretation was correct.
抗议活动 on eligibility must be made to the referee/umpire during the game. 此时此刻, 有问题的球员可以选择继续比赛或将自己从比赛中移除,而不会对球队造成处罚. If the player continues to participate and then is found to be ineligible, then that player and the team must accept the consequences as outlined in the 资格 section.
比赛时间为弃权时间. 所有比赛将在官方规定的开始时间开始. A forfeit will be declared if a team or individual is not ready to play at the scheduled time. “Ready to play” means a team must be in the playing area with at least the minimum number of required players. 每项运动的最少参赛人数如下:
- 国旗橄榄球5人
- 足球运动员
- 排球4人
- 内胆水球4名球员
- 篮球运动员
- 躲避球玩家
- 踢球8人
- 垒球8人
- 终极5名玩家
赔上 are disruptive to 校内体育项目 and are an irritation to everyone involved. 事先的计划和通知将减轻罚没,并将有助于提高校内体育项目的质量.
If an individual/team forfeits two games/matches during a sport season, 那么从该赛季第二次被罚起,该个人/球队将被禁止再参加该项目. The members of that team may not be picked up by other teams to be added to their rosters.
- 在联赛积分榜上,所有罚球都被视为1.5分的损失. 例子:A队赢了3场,输了1场,被罚1场. A队的战绩是3胜2负.5
如有可能,我们会同意比赛/比赛改期的要求. 我们将尽一切努力完成这一要求, 但是涉及到很多变量, 一些比赛/比赛重新安排请求可能不可行.
Rescheduling games/matches is an option, but one that should be used only when absolutely necessary. Inclement weather and academic functions are considered causes for rescheduling.
No games/matches will be rescheduled due to the absence of team members or coaches. 社交活动不是重新安排的理由.
加班玩 & 仁慈的规则
加班玩 is necessary when teams are tied at the end of regulation play. While it is important to give both teams equal opportunities to win in overtime, consideration for time and other factors must be taken into consideration. Mercy rules are incorporated into the various games/matches for sportsmanship and temperament reasons. The following overtime play and mercy rules will be in effect for the 澳门新葡京官网 校内的运动 program:
Overtime – Ball will be placed on the 20-yard line and each team will have 4 downs to score a touchdown. PAT将是:- 前两个加时得分- 3码线(1分)
- 第三次及之后的加时得分- 10码线(2分)
加班-没有定时加班. 五局四胜将决定胜负.
加时-加时时间为3分钟. Each team will acquire an additional 30-second time-out per OT played.
仁慈规则-任何时候都有三十(30)点优势.垒球 & 踢球
Overtime – One inning at a time will be played until a winner is determined.
Mercy Rule – Fifteen (15) runs after the fourth inning of play and ten (10) runs after the fifth inning.分歧
在一些团体运动中, the number of teams will require that play be separated into two leagues - the “Panther” and “南部” leagues. If further divisions are needed, “Black” and “Gold” divisions will be used.
如果对某项运动的男女同校联盟有兴趣的话, then participants will be allowed to compete in both the Co-ed division and either the Women's/Men's leagues.
A single elimination tournament will be held to decide the champion in each league. 常规赛战绩最好的球队将获得第一种子,并将对阵第四种子(常规赛战绩第四好)。. 2号种子将和3号种子比赛. The winners of each game will compete against each other for the championship. The two losing teams will be awarded the points for third and fourth places.
校内体育计分系统的设计是为了决定在男子和女子比赛中澳门新葡京官网所有运动冠军奖杯的获胜者. Points are awarded for participation and order of finish in the post-season tournaments. 在秋季和春季学期中,获得最高积分的男子和女子团队将获得全体育奖杯.
- 第一名100分
- 第二名75分
- 第三/第四名40分
- 参与10分
In case of a tie for All-Sports the following tie-breaker will be used:
在校内体育学年结束时, each organization will have the opportunity to vote on the Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year. Each organization will vote for one person from their organization and one person from another organization. 选票将被制成表格,候选人 receiving the most votes will be named Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year.
感谢澳门新葡京官网学生会协会的慷慨解囊, the department schedules and promotes several fitness and wellness activities during the academic year. 有氧运动课程, 武术, and yoga all meet several days a week in the Aerobics/Martial Arts room in the Striplin Center. There is no cost for participating in any of the programs and everyone is invited to take part.
南方户外娱乐(SOR)是一个为学生提供各种户外活动的组织. 每学期都会安排一些活动. 偶尔, trips are combined with other institutions in order to make the most of resources and participation.
活动包括, 但不限于, 激流漂流, 攀岩, kayak的教训, 潜水课程, 远足和露营, 屈服, 滑雪, 还有山地自行车. Suggestions for new activities are always welcome and should be submitted to the Director for consideration. Please see the on-line Striplin Center 日历 or call 205-226-4936 for the latest SOR trip offerings.
澳门新葡京官网绳索课程包含九个元素, leadership and confidence-building course overseen by the Director of 体能及康乐. The course is located in the wooded area north of the 校内的运动 Field and the 澳门新葡京官网 EcoScape. Participants learn to work together to accomplish various tasks that are inherent in the elements. 领导, 团队合作, 合作, planning and organization are all skills that are developed and utilized while participating on the course. Reservations for use of the 澳门新葡京官网绳索课程 may be made by contacting the Director.